2018 Reach Report
The 2018 Reach Report presents data sourced from the Special Olympics annual census, which surveys the breadth, depth and impact of the global Special Olympics movement. This includes data from all of our programs around the world on athletes, coaches and competitions, plus other key metrics.
Special Olympics Reach by Global Region
Region North America Latin America Africa Europe Eurasia East Asia Asia Pacific Middle East North Africa
Athletes 755,044 357,981 278,153 510,546 1,423,583 1,955,627 187,399
Athlete Growth -5% -1% 9% 0% 6% 13% 8%
Coaches 142,982 28,023 27,945 36,701 84,827 179,199 9,176
Coaches Growth -6% -1% 9% 18% 4% 19% 16%
Volunteers 741,436 69,073 21,782 78,368 66,617 154,388 19,406
Volunteers Growth 2% 8% -26% 9% 2% 7% 66%
Youth Leadership 53,043 1,546 969 2,552 5,275 9,403 2,206
Youth Leadership Growth 7% -29% 10% 4% 48% 22% 573%
Athlete Leadership 13,814 2,435 973 4,001 17,379 7,775 815
Athlete Leadership Growth -9% -5% 30% 6% 12% 12% 27
Healthy Athletes Screenings 75,487 20,521 13,522 30,621 10,473 16,149 9,430
Unified Sports
Region North America Latin America Africa Europe Eurasia East Asia Asia Pacific Middle East North Africa
Unified Athletes 126,365 27,926 66,023 48,019 269,302 300,888 13,068
Unified Athlete Growth 10% 4% 30% 12% 0% 21% 47%
Unified Partners 129,374 20,989 42,619 35,835 343,825 338,732 9,298
Unified Partner Growth 15% 3% 21% 12% 2% 3% 22%
Download the 2018 Reach Report
Read the full report and see the impact of our movement throughout the world.