2018 Financial Statement
Combined Statement of Activities for the Year Ended December 31, 2018.
Revenue & Expenses
REVENUES, GAINS & OTHER SUPPORT Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2018 TOTAL FY2017 TOTAL
Direct mail contributions $45,592,347 - $45,592,347 $44,634,091
Individualand corporate contributionsandgrants 32,886,220 37,637,887 70,524,107 68,764,704
Federal grants 20,962,317 - 20,962,317 15,461,400
Non-federal grants 879,366 - 879,366 7,204,454
Accreditation fees 4,027,184 - 4,027,184 3,872,362
Royalty income 671,519 - 671,519 833,536
Appreciation in trust assets—net 311,084 - 311,084 5,638,156
Other investment income—net (489,020) - (489,020) (33,997)
Other income 3,612,133 - 3,612,133 1,977,121
Total revenues, gains and other support 108,453,150 37,637,887 146,091,037 148,351,827
NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTIONS Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2018 TOTAL FY2017 TOTAL
Satisfaction of program restrictions 27,837,635 (27,837,635) - -
Expiration of time restrictions 2,888,199 (2,888,199) - -
Total revenues, gains, and other support and net assets released from restrictions 139,178,984 6,912,053 146,091,037 148,351,827
EXPENSES Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2018 TOTAL FY2017 TOTAL
Program assistance 80,227,079 - 80,227,079 81,666,651
Public education and communications 30,093,477 - 30,093,477 21,268,956
Sports training and competitions 9,829,763 - 9,829,763 8,155,269
Fundraising 16,407,262 - 16,407,262 14,969,550
Management and general 4,251,115 - 4,251,115 3,604,928
Total expenses 140,808,696 - 140,808,696 129,665,354
Net assets (beginning of year) 54,543,606 25,477,228 80,020,834 61,334,361
Changes in net assets (1,629,712) 6,912,053 5,282,341 18,686,473
Net assets (end of year) 52,913,894 32,389,281 85,303,175 80,020,834
Assets & Liabilities
Assets 2018 2017
Current Assets
Cash & cash equivalents $16,485,236 $13,718,504
Contributions & accounts receivable 18,644,940 14,484,323
Other current assets 2,619,056 2,563,895
Total current assets 37,749,232 30,766,722
Investments 51,813,442 52,831,442
Long-term contributions receivable—net 9,068,877 7,145,002
Fixed assets—net 4,438,174 2,281,261
Other assets 787,893 741,990
Total non-current assets 66,108,386 62,999,695
TOTAL $103,857,618 $93,766,417
Liabilities & Net Assets 2018 2017
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable & accrued liabilities $11,228,490 $7,221,410
Grants & awards payable 3,966,253 3,796,709
Deferred liabilities 3,089,417 2,308,012
Total current liabilities 18,284,160 13,326,131
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-term deferred rent 270,283 419,452
Total liabilities 18,554,443 13,745,583
Net Assets
Without Donor Restrictions 52,913,894 54,543,606
With Donor Restrictions 32,389,281 25,477,228
Total net assets 85,303,175 80,020,834
TOTAL $103,857,618 $93,766,417
Special Olympics' complete 2018 audited financials and IRS Form 990 are available at www.specialolympics.org