2019 Financial Statement
Combined Statement of Activities for the Year Ended December 31, 2019.
Revenue & Expenses
REVENUES, GAINS & OTHER SUPPORT Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2019 TOTAL FY2018 TOTAL
Direct mail contributions $47,376,275 - $47,376,275 $45,592,347
Individualand corporate contributionsandgrants 24,146,295 31,593,686 55,739,981 70,524,107
Federal grants 25,434,659 - 25,434,659 20,962,317
Non-federal grants 223,593 - 223,593 879,366
Accreditation fees 4,224,207 - 4,224,207 4,027,184
Royalty income 726,630 - 726,630 671,519
Appreciation in trust assets—net 6,490,809 - 6,490,809 311,084
Other investment income—net 246,535 - 246,535 (489,020)
Other income 2,098,294 - 2,098,294 3,612,133
Total revenues, gains and other support $110,967,297 $31,593,686 $142,560,983 $146,091,037
NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTIONS Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2019 TOTAL FY2018 TOTAL
Satisfaction of program restrictions 12,933,549 (12,933,549) - -
Expiration of time restrictions 14,044,811 (14,044,811) - -
Total revenues, gains, and other support and net assets released from restrictions $137,945,657 $4,615,326 $142,560,983 $146,091,037
EXPENSES Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2019 TOTAL FY2018 TOTAL
Program assistance 73,593,203 - 73,593,203 80,227,079
Public education and communications 32,481,306 - 32,481,306 30,093,477
Sports training and competitions 6,461,824 - 6,461,824 9,829,763
Fundraising 16,485,993 - 16,485,993 16,407,262
Management and general 4,166,319 - 4,166,319 4,251,115
Total expenses $133,188,645 - $133,188,645 $140,808,696
Net assets (beginning of year) 52,913,894 32,389,281 85,303,175 80,020,834
Changes in net assets 4,757,012 4,615,326 9,372,338 5,282,341
Net assets (end of year) $57,670,906 $37,004,607 $94,675,513 $85,303,175
Assets & Liabilities
Assets 2019 2018
Current Assets
Cash & cash equivalents $18,600,121 $16,485,236
Contributions & accounts receivable 14,886,704 18,644,940
Other current assets 2,914,510 2,619,056
Total current assets $36,401,335 $37,749,232
Investments 58,207,614 51,813,442
Long-term contributions receivable—net 9,649,025 9,068,877
Fixed assets—net 5,284,550 4,438,174
Other assets 863,670 787,893
Total non-current assets $74,004,859 $66,108,386
TOTAL $110,406,194 $103,857,618
Liabilities & Net Assets 2019 2018
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable & accrued liabilities 8,878,488 11,228,490
Grants & awards payable 4,242,824 3,966,253
Deferred liabilities 2,609,369 3,089,417
Total current liabilities $15,730,681 $18,284,160
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-term deferred rent - 270,283
Total liabilities $15,730,681 $18,554,443
Net Assets
Without Donor Restrictions 57,670,906 52,913,894
With Donor Restrictions 37,004,607 32,389,281
Total net assets $94,675,513 $85,303,175
TOTAL $110,406,194 $103,857,618
2020 Financial Statement
Combined Statement of Activities for the Year Ended December 31, 2020.
Revenue & Expenses
REVENUES, GAINS & OTHER SUPPORT Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2020 TOTAL FY2019 TOTAL
Direct mail contributions $49,248,634 - $49,248,634 $47,376,275
Individual and corporate contributions and grants 15,145,806 24,292,226 39,438,032 55,739,981
Federal grants 24,516,115 - 24,516,115 25,434,659
Non-federal grants 129,117 - 129,117 223,593
Accreditation fees 3,184,544 - 3,184,544 4,224,207
Royalty income 735,598 - 735,598 726,630
Appreciation in trust assets - net 6,513,046 - 6,513,046 6,490,809
Other investment income - net 166,058 143,221 309,279 246,535
Other income 3,998,925 - 3,998,925 2,098,294
Total revenues, gains and other support $103,637,843 $24,435,447 $128,073,290 $142,560,983
NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTIONS Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2020 TOTAL FY2019 TOTAL
Satisfaction of program restrictions 8,186,342 -8,186,342 - -
Expiration of time restrictions 13,444,307 -13,444,307 - -
Total revenues, gains and other support and net assets released from restrictions $125,268,492 $2,804,798 $128,073,290 $142,560,983
EXPENSES Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2020 TOTAL FY2019 TOTAL
Program assistance 57,690,110 - 57,690,110 73,593,203
Public education and communications 31,820,079 - 31,820,079 32,481,306
Sports training and competitions 3,957,638 - 3,957,638 6,461,824
Fundraising 13,598,231 - 13,598,231 16,485,993
Management and general 4,724,700 - 4,724,700 4,166,319
Total expenses $111,790,758 - $111,790,758 $133,188,645
Net assets (beginning of year) 57,670,906 37,004,607 94,675,513 85,303,175
Changes in net assets 13,477,734 2,804,798 16,282,532 9,372,338
Net assets (end of year) $71,148,640 $39,809,405 $110,958,045 $94,675,513
Assets & Liabilities
ASSETS 2020 2019
Current Assets
Cash & cash equivalents $33,282,648 $18,600,121
Contributions & accounts receivable 16,130,630 14,886,704
Other current assets 3,165,561 2,914,510
Total current assets $52,578,839 $36,401,335
Investments 62,577,009 58,207,614
Long-term contributions receivable - net 9,618,109 9,649,025
Fixed assets - net 5,702,132 5,284,550
Other assets 927,689 863,670
Total non-current assets $78,824,939 $74,004,859
TOTAL $131,403,778 $110,406,194
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable & accrued liabilities 7,314,301 8,878,488
Grants & awards payable 5,020,726 4,242,824
Deferred liabilities 8,110,706 2,609,369
Total current liabilities $20,445,733 $15,730,681
Long-term deferred rent - -
Total liabilities $20,445,733 $15,730,681
Without Donor Restrictions 71,148,640 57,670,906
With Donor Restrictions 39,809,405 37,004,607
Total net assets $110,958,045 $94,675,513
Total $131,403,778 $110,406,194
2021 Financial Statement
Combined Statement of Activities for the Year Ended December 31, 2021.
Revenue & Expenses
REVENUES, GAINS & OTHER SUPPORT Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2021 TOTAL FY2020 TOTAL
Direct mail contributions $56,091,518 - $56,091,518 $49,248,634
Individual and corporate contributions and grants 10,034,208 27,765,328 37,799,536 39,438,032
Federal grants 6,256,764 - 6,256,764 24,516,115
Non-federal grants 32,246,398 - 32,246,398 129,117
Accreditation fees 3,266,273 - 3,266,273 3,184,544
Royalty income 1,230,645 - 1,230,645 735,598
Appreciation in trust assets - net 8,517,223 - 8,517,223 6,513,046
Other investment income - net -5,151 219,685 214,534 309,279
Other income 3,920,962 - 3,920,962 3,998,925
Total revenues, gains and other support $121,558,840 $27,985,013 $149,543,853 $128,073,290
NET ASSETS RELEASED FROM RESTRICTIONS Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2020 TOTAL FY2019 TOTAL
Satisfaction of program restrictions 14,139,454 -14,139,454 - -
Expiration of time restrictions 11,019,861 -11,019,861 - -
Total revenues, gains and other support and net assets released from restrictions $125,268,492 $2,825,698 $149,543,853 $128,073,290
EXPENSES Without Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions FY2020 TOTAL FY2019 TOTAL
Program assistance 66,135,393 - 66,135,393 57,690,110
Public education and communications 36,388,452 - 36,388,452 31,820,079
Sports training and competitions 5,616,483 - 5,616,483 3,957,638
Fundraising 14,537,702 - 14,537,702 13,598,231
Management and general 4,305,580 - 4,305,580 4,724,700
Total expenses 126,983,610 - 126,983,610 111,790,758
Net assets (beginning of year) 71,148,640 39,809,405 110,958,045 94,675,513
Changes in net assets 19,734,545 2,825,698 22,560,243 16,282,532
Net assets (end of year) 90,883,185 42,635,103 133,518,288 110,958,045
Assets & Liabilities
ASSETS 2021 2020
Current Assets
Cash & cash equivalents $51,411,978 $33,282,648
Contributions & accounts receivable $19,357,581 $16,130,630
Other current assets $2,375,030 $3,165,561
Total current assets $73,144,589 $52,578,839
Investments $71,378,284 $62,577,009
Long-term contributions receivable - net $6,394,827 $9,618,109
Fixed assets - net $4,371,470 $5,702,132
Other assets $968,332 $927,689
Total non-current assets $83,112,913 $78,824,939
Total $156,257,502 $131,403,778
Accounts payable & accrued liabilities 8,409,941 7,314,301
Grants & awards payable 6,682,101 5,020,726
Deferred liabilities 7,647,172 8,110,706
Total current liabilities 22,739,214 20,445,733
Long-term deferred rent
Total liabilities 22,739,214 20,445,733
Without Donor Restrictions 90,883,185 71,148,640
With Donor Restrictions 42,635,103 39,809,405
Total net assets 133,518,288 110,958,045
Total 156,257,502 131,403,778